编者按:大不自多,海纳江河,浙江大学校歌传承着浙大百年来的求是精神。校歌翻译成英文后,更是别有一番风味。 |
浙江大学校歌歌词英译文本 The English Translation of the Words of the Zhejiang University Anthem The vast sea contains all streams, all rivers; Great learning connects Heaven and Earth. Metaphysical is Tao; instrumental is Tool. Rites tell people apart; Music gets them together. To know their relations would make us ever brighter. There's a national university standing by River Qiantang, Whose eternal philosophy is seeking truth from facts. Progressive education can produce those able to govern; Never say you know the essence, let alone the truth. Reform is necessary, and renewal is a must; To be a vanguard is to be both creative and innovative; Dear young vanguards should be clear of the principles. Be devoted to study, deep in thinking and good in understanding; We offer arts, science, agriculture, technology, and beyond; It needs you to know them all - their origins and applications. To become successful people will be like true gold to be made; To give up fractional views we're of far sight and broad mind; To rejuvenate our great nation is to harmonize the whole world.
浙江大学校歌歌词英译特点及评说 一、时代特色。
1、 字数。原文字数约150个汉字(古文),译文164个英文单词(现代文),这是一个不错的比例,即译文总字数为原文的109%。
2、 行数。英译文本的总行数与原文完全相同,共18行;三个分段的行数也相同,即分别为5行、7行和6行。
1、 “气势对等”。抓住精髓,译出内蕴和气势。如第一段头两句:
[原文]大不自多 海纳江河 惟学无际 际于天地 [译文] The vast sea contains all streams, all rivers; Great learning connects Heaven and Earth. [简评] (1)英文总字数比原文少2个,但并不缺乏原文之“气度”,通过重复运用两个 "all",略去“自多”,更显“宽容”和“虚怀若谷”。
2、 “功能对等”。用词通俗,使人一听就懂,发挥译文与原文相同或相近的功能。比如“惟学无际”,中国人也难以做到一听就懂,而用了great learning便一切化解。再如:
[原文] 礼主别异兮 乐主和同 [译文] Rites tell people apart; Music gets them together. [简评] 译文显然比原文通俗易懂,原因就在于 tell... apart 和get...together两个动词词组非常口语化,且不失“庄重”,实为“不隔”(王国维语)。
3、“内涵对等”。要取得“内涵对等”,必须正视两种语言和文化之间的巨大差异,通过采用有效的翻译策略和翻译技巧来达到目的。 [原文] 形上谓道兮 形下谓器 [译文] Metaphysical is Tao; instrumental is Tool. [简评] “形上”和“形下”是具象,而metaphysical和instrumental实为抽象的内涵,便于英文读者很快地抓住歌词的实质内容。当然,也不妨译为Above is Tao; below is Tool,但会造成一定的文化隔阂。
[原文] 树我邦国 天下来同 [译文]To rejuvenate our great nation is to harmonize the whole world. [简评]根据中文版译文解释,原文为“要齐心合力建设我伟大祖国,使世界各国都与我们友好相处、天下大同。英译文似乎更为简洁,运用当代词汇再现“为全球和谐相处而重振中华”的国际主义精神。 |